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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in a Child’s School Education

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in a Child's School Education

Learning is a process that occurs continuously in people’s life in which the acquisition of new behaviors, skills and attitudes has the aim of adapting the human being to the environment. This process occurs in the nervous system and therefore takes into consideration the neurological integrity of the brain to occur in the best possible way. For this reason, the brain is the “organ of learning.”

During learning, the neuron undergoes modifications in its brain structure (neuroplasticity), thus generating new adaptive behaviors in the child’s life. In addition, the brain still considers in the development of learning factors such as

Under this bias, it can be observed that learning is a process that involves both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in which genetics and environment act as modulating structures of learning.

The development of learning begins during the gestational period, as the development of the baby depends on the mother’s nutrition during pregnancy. Thus, healthy eating habits,  such as a balanced diet rich in fruits, proteins, vegetables and the ingestion of liquids (water and natural juices), are essential for the strengthening of mother and baby. The nutrition pregnancy is crucial to the proper functioning of the nervous system of the fetus. Nutritional deficiencies, on the other hand, can compromise significantly child’s brain development and consequently their learning.

When a pregnant woman ingests alcohol, for example, the substance reaches the fetus through the bloodstream and placenta. This is because the baby’s organs are in continuous development and therefore cannot process the alcohol circulating in the body. The consumption of alcoholic beverage in the first trimester of pregnancy is already capable of causing significant changes in the development of the baby’s central nervous system, thus causing fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

            Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition that causes physical and mental damage in the fetus due to alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The effects of the substance include problems in the migration of the development of neurons in the baby’s brain, which leads to anomalies in the central nervous system and damages the child’s cognitive development and behavior. It is important to emphasize that any type of alcoholic beverage (beer, wine, distilled beverages, etc.) during pregnancy can be detrimental to the baby’s development.

Depending on the amount of alcohol consumed by the mother during pregnancy, as well as the stage of development of the fetus when the alcohol was consumed, the child may present from high to low levels of impairment in cognitive development, resulting in deficits in language functioning, planning, spatial organization, selective attention and memory.

Among the characteristics presented in children with the syndrome are small eyes, fine upper lip, short and upturned nose, deformities of joints, slow physical growth, low birth weight, vision difficulties or hearing problems, difficulty with reasoning and problem-solving, poor judgment skills, learning difficulties, impulsiveness and difficulties memorizing.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in the Classroom

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) can compromise the cognitive development of children from mild to severe forms. However, no child is equal to another, because each one is unique in characteristics and educational needs.

Even children with the same syndrome may present different characteristics and educational needs. For this reason, the careful observation of the teacher is crucial to identify punctually the learning necessities of each student, and from this, elaborate a pedagogic planning based on multi sensorial activities.

In order to develop child’s potential, it is necessary that the teacher organize learning environments rich in multisensory stimuli, containing pedagogical activities that instigate the five senses of the child, such as colors, tastes, textures, sounds and body movements. In addition, the teacher can propose enrichment activities for memory, communication, executive functions and adaptive behavior.

The variety of stimuli captured by the child’s brain is crucial for the development of new brain synapses, thus building new learning experiences. It is worth emphasizing that each child is unique in potentialities and difficulties.

Some children with fetal alcohol syndrome may present difficulties in interpreting sensory information, such as touch, sound, movement and smell. The routine of a classroom can be a very challenging environment for a child with FAS due to a range of sounds that a classroom may has, such as mixed voices, different smells, movements of students, very loud noises and agitation during class breaks. The child may feel irritated and distressed due to the diversity of stimuli occurring at the same time. What happens is that the nervous system of a child with FAS has difficulty in processing sensory information. For this reason, it is important to organize an environment in which “less is more” regarding visual stimuli.

Fine and gross coordination may be a difficult for some children with fetal alcohol syndrome. For this reason the practice of sports, such as swimming, soccer, running, riding a bike, skating, dancing, among others, can greatly help the student in developing and enriching these physical motor capacities. In addition, physical exercise helps the child in maintaining an upright posture.

Because they present a neurological impairment in sensory processing of muscles and joints, on some occasions these children may break toys and bump into objects and classmates in class. This behavior can be interpreted by some people (who do not know the characteristics of the syndrome) as awkward, rude or purposeful. But what actually happens is that due to the presence of impaired motor skills, students with FAS have a decrease in muscle control capacity, which makes difficult in grasp and hold activities, such as picking up a pencil to write or draw.

Golden Tips:

better when they use their senses – touch, sight, taste, smell and hearing).

Parents and teachers need to establish a partnership to better include the child with FAS at school. Parents must provide to the school all the necessary information about the child’s characteristics and needs so that the teacher can prepare a multi-sensorial environment rich in learning experiences for this student. Parent-teacher partnerships is the key to an education reduced in stress and disruptive behaviors (because parents usually know the factors that trigger impulsive behaviors in the child and therefore can inform the teacher on how to avoid them). The active participation of the parents in the development of the child (through constructive ties and daily experiences) is of great value to foster the growth and involvement of the student in his own learning process.

In order to develop healthy interpersonal relationships in the classroom, it is important for the teacher to teach other students values, such as empathy, kindness, solidarity, equality, love and respect, as well as the value of socializing with children with disabilities. In addition, the joint work of the school with a team of specialized professionals, such as special education teacher, speech therapist, occupational therapist, educational psychologist, pediatrician and child neurologist, are of paramount importance for the overall development of a child with FAS.

Child cognitive development involves not only brain processes but also aggregates experiences of the child’s learning. These learnings are developed from the child’s contact with the environment through play and body activities, activities to stimulate social interaction and communication, games of rules or symbolic games, etc. Through these practices, it is possible to improve the capacities and potentialities of the child. Proposing pedagogical activities taking into account the sensory, motor, emotional and cognitive aspects of the child provides a meaningful learning environment in a welcoming and healthy atmosphere, rich in stimuli and possibilities of development.


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