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How to increase your productivity at home

How to increase your productivity at home

One thing I’m sure everyone has learned through quarantine is how difficult it can be to work at home. The members of your family, snacks in your pantry, and the feeling of laziness or comfort you associate with your house are just a few of the endless distractions that negatively affect your productivity. Now that summer is coming to an end, working efficiently at home is an essential skill to have. Fortunately, there is an easy way to improve your productivity at home, and it takes form in creating a proper study space. 

Study spaces are very important for success in both school and work. An effective study area is one that is tailored to its owner. Firstly, the area should reflect your personality and preferences. For example, if you need silence to learn efficiently, your space should accommodate that. Your location should be in a private zone away from family activity, and equipped with books or small snacks to support your preferences. In addition, this spot should be solely claimed for productive purposes. Working in your bedroom or living room may not always be effective because those rooms have more than one purpose. Claiming a specific study location will make it more special, give it more respect (by you and members of your family), and motivate you to actually learn when you are there. Most importantly, you should make sure your area is comfortable. An effective study space is one that you can spend long periods of time in, so it should have utensils/snacks, the perfect temperature, and be ergonomic. It is important to avoid remaining in harmful positions (arching your back too heavily) for long periods of time, as it will result in future injuries. Finally, an effective learning area is created with rules and communication. You must set boundaries and tell your family when and how you are working, or if you are taking a break to ensure that everyone can cooperate and support your study spot and precious time. Productive learning should be like a ceremony to you, with special places and allocated time. This way, you will remember to hit the books, and the process will be valued in your mind. 

     Sometimes, it’s hard to create a personalized productive area when you are working with small spaces, yet there are ways to adapt to that. Turn your kitchen table into a desk; kitchen tables are fairly large so they have enough room for you to spread your assignments out. Simply bring your pencil case as well as any other supplies you may need and you are set. If you need privacy, try investing in noise cancelling headphones; that way, you can easily get some silence. It’s a great idea to use beanbags as well. Beanbags are multifunctional as a chair or a table to help you make the most out of your location. Similarly, you can use pillows for posture. Pillows can help make your floor spaces appropriate and comfortable for learning. If you want to stick to working at a desk, use glass topped tables. Glass topped tables can serve as two separate desks: if you need to copy something down, instead of cluttering your zone with books and papers, place the book under the table and read from above. You can also try going outdoors. Nature has more area, is usually far less distracting, and can serve as your separate space designated only for work. Lastly, the most important tip is to keep your room organized. This will help you optimize your spot; you do not want to clutter an already small desk!

     Creating a study space is the key to ensure elongated, efficient, and successful working.This simple activity can easily be tuned to your specific preferences and current situation. Once you perfect your location, productivity can become a therapeutic experience, motivating you to actually work more often. You can implement some of these tips into other aspects of your life as well. For example, bringing noise cancelling headphones to support your studying at school or work if necessary. Really, the best part of knowing how to create your own study space is that you can use these skills for the rest of your life. When you require increasing amounts of productivity to excel in your school, post-secondary education, or job, looking for a place to learn is the last thing you want.

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