Director / Founder of NHEG - Pamela Clark

Pamela Clark

Co- Founder, Ex-Board Member - Margaret Spangler

Margaret Spangler

Florence Decker

Florence Decker

In remembrance of Florence Decker, who taught me the power of belief in the face of adversity and struggle, as well as the courage to stand up and correct apparent wrongs.

She strongly believed that time spent on a child was never wasted and worked hard to make our world better during her lifetime. I’m simply picking up where she left off.

Thank you, Grandmother, for your strength, wisdom and heart!

A Memory from Founder/Executive Director Pamela Clark

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New Heights Educational Group - Who We Are

Our Mission:

New Heights Educational Group, Inc., promotes literacy for children and adults by offering a range of educational support services. Such services include the following: assisting families in the selection of schools; organization of educational activities; and acquisition of materials.  We promote a healthy learning environment and various enrichment programs for families of preschool and school-age children, including children with special needs.

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New Heights Educational Group Services

We Help Educate Our Youth: Tutoring and Pre-Recorded Courses

New Heights Educational Group offers tutoring for those who want or need a boost in learning. You’ll find a list of our current classes and rates published on our site and in our Learning Annex. If you are located outside the Defiance, OH area, you have the option of paying online and attending the virtual classes that are available. If the class you are looking for is not listed, please talk to us and find out how we can help you.

Pre-Recorded Courses – NHEG and its partners/affiliates offer over 1,200 free and discounted courses via our Learning Annex.

We also help students find college scholarships and grants.

We Provide Programs and Assistance for Curriculum Support: Home School Guidance Program

The NHEG Home School Guidance Programs will help students who are considering giving up school or who are at risk of not graduating. We offer affordable online learning, personalized schedules, informational services, online courses, pre-assessments and testing, home school course planning, superintendent’s office paperwork completion, diploma and transcript template preparation, home school guidance, special needs placement, notification form prep, notification letter template, schedule preparation and monitoring, curriculum options and more.

We Support Our Educators

New Heights Educational Group provides online teachers and tutors all the resources they need to successfully educate their students via tutoring sessions and classes. Using multimedia, tutors and teachers provide the students many opportunities for interaction via discussion boards, asynchronous chat, synchronous chat and a virtual lab for hands-on experience to make classes more engaging. NHEG also provides the tutors and teachers access to the latest online resources for grades K-8 and 9-12 and for adult students.

We Educate the Community and Provide Access to Resources

New Heights Educational Group is an excellent source of information for homeschooled/charter and public-school students and their parents, and for anyone considering educational options.

NHEG Reading Program

NHEG offers a free five-tier reading program for multiple age groups, with different tiers available for students from pre-school (Reading with Rishaan) through 12th grade (with Reading Ambassador Rhone-Ann Huang). Tier 2 is in partnership with 2nd & 7 Foundation as part of 2nd & 7’s “Tackling Illiteracy” program, and with the help of Zoom video conferencing, student-athletes read with second-grade students and discuss why reading and staying on top of schoolwork is essential. Listen now for free

NHEG Support Groups

NHEG Support Groups provide support to not only our board members but also to our students, parents and teachers in Ohio and beyond. Each group provides a pivotal function in our organization to strengthen our programs and services and help support and educate children and adults, so they can build a much stronger educational background.


We release a bi-monthly magazine titled “New Heights Educational Group (NHEG) EDGuide” to our subscribers. The magazine includes the latest news in education, educational offerings across the globe and nationally, and information about our organization, teachers and students.

This is a comprehensive guide covering current educational topics and the accomplishments/activities/achievements of the New Heights Educational Group.

NHEG Comic Book

E.A.S.Y.Toons (Educational Anecdotes for Struggling Youth) is a “Mr. Rogers mentality” comic book to help reach students with great kindness and understanding through stories that are highly relevant to young people.

NHEG Radio

The award-winning New Heights Show on Education covers educational topics and news for families, students and educators. 

The internet radio program and podcast hosts cover various topics of education for home, charter and public-school families in Ohio and beyond. We cover many aspects of education: education in the news, civil rights, the power of education, restructuring schools, the IEP process, tips for teens, zoology, technology, Common Core, history, science, reading, business, entrepreneurship, special needs, round-table discussions and reading of our teen comic book series that tackles youth issues. The show educates and inspires its audience by sharing and welcoming discussions.

New shows are added on a regular basis. To be notified when new shows are available, please provide us with your email address.

NHEG Published Books

NHEG has published two books: “Unraveling Reading” and “One Nonprofit’s Journey to Success.” We also educate the community on the history of American education through our book and video suggestions. 

Volunteering with NHEG

Volunteer with NHEG and you will help bring education and learning opportunities to children and adults in the state of Ohio and beyond. Our volunteers work hard and are from all over the world. We offer 76 positions within NHEG. If you want to be part of our team, please fill out our volunteer form. We can use any skills you have.

New Heights Educational Group History

New Heights Educational Group, Inc., was formed on June 1, 2006, as a support network of diverse northwest Ohio families with children in public, charter and home schools. We currently serve northwest Ohio, with a national and international audience. Local communities include the following Ohio towns: AllenDefianceDelphosHancockHenryLimaLucasNapoleonPutnamPauldingVan WertWauseonWilliams and Wood, and meetings with the Director of the organization are by appointment only.

Anyone from anywhere can take our classes or request tutoring or other educational services. We are proud to provide a one-stop education shop.

We believe that a child’s high-quality school experience includes exposure to diverse people, topics and learning adventures. Therefore, our goal is to provide a social/informational framework where parents and students can share fun educational resources such as magazines and comic books, take part in group activities and field trips, and participate in meetings and email/chatroom discussions where students of any age can receive tutoring.

We welcome all home-, charter- and public-schooled families, regardless of educational philosophy, teaching style, socio-economic background or religious beliefs.

NHEG stands firmly against Common Core-based education, Critical Race Theory, Climate Change, Global Warming, and unconstitutional mandates.

Check out our Pitch Deck, Course Catalog, Brochure and QR Codes


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